Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Okay...I need a shot here. I'm DREADING getting moving...and its 10AM! I can easily find every excuse to delay what I know I MUST do....and here I sit. There are no excuses...Mark just left for a biz trip; Connor is happily watching "Ironman"; Colton and Kate are at school....My list of things-to-do is long, and I LONG to get to it. I LONG to get my craft room cleaned and organized so I can just relax in MY SPACE...

But I must get my rear in gear and get in there and MOVE IT.

I'm asking for a little prayer here, Friends. I was disappointed to find that a pr of jeans I tried to put on yesterday was not cooperating. That was really a blow. And I just wore them a month ago. Yes, they were snug, but I could still move and breathe, and sit down! LOL...but yesterday, it wasn't happening.

That's what so hard about all this...is that its just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOW in coming off. I can gain 5 lbs in a week, but it takes a month to work it off. Its just not fair.


So, I don't really expect you to nurse me along here. I just need to vent this whining to something...not necessarily someONE. I know what I have to do, so I gotta just go do it. I know I'll be pleased with myself once I'm done, and each day SHOULD get a little easier (right?? PLEASE TELL ME YES!)...then I can reward myself with some scrapbooking time, AND time to work on this room.

So, as for you all...have a great Tuesday. I'll report on my accomplishment...I'll go 2 miles with Leslie today, and maybe dance with Chantel's music for a few. Now THAT'S hysterical...good thing I'm all alone in my room...but now that I think of it, maybe I'll just do that for a while. Its kinda fun, and you really DO get your heart rate up!

Either way, I'll let you know that I did it.

Now, you go do what you oughta be doing!


  1. OK, as one of your cheerleaders, what I oughta be doing is encouraging you to get moving! Ha! Like I know what you'd rather be doing, creating something...It doesn't seem fair that it's so easy to gain, and so hard to lose...but you've done it before, and you'll be successful again. As you said the other day...small steps...Oh, and about those jeans...did you put them on and then lay backwards on your bed to zip them up? LOL Maybe they just need retrained! Seriously, as your friend, I'm praying for you right now.

  2. I made it over here finally! So glad you have a blog--and I will cheer you on as well. It's hard to follow through on some of the goals we set for ourselves but oh how awesome when we do!!
